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捆绑还是破坏? 在拥挤的内容市场中捆绑流媒体服务的好处

How can bundling or aggregating their offerings help streaming services contend with the myriad challenges of today's saturated streaming content market, 从改进推荐到用户获取, 内容消费, 表演, 营销效率, 面对某些类型内容的季节性? 合伙人管理部门主管乔希·罗森布拉特, 富博执行副总裁/市场总监王宇, 行业分析师Paul Erickson和Jon Giegengack讨论了潜在的好处, 陷阱, 以及2024年流媒体连接中捆绑热潮的战略复杂性. 


One of the arguments in favor of contextual advertising is that it makes it easier to match the tone and sentiment of the content it accompanies instead of thoughtlessly throwing an ad for a dating app into the middle of a tragic news report. 它吸引广告商的其他优势是什么? 上下文广告的现状是如何实现它的承诺的,还有什么不足之处? TVREV的艾伦·沃尔克报道, Vevo的朱莉·特里奥罗报道, Estrella MediaCo的Christina Chung报道, 和广告商感知的Erin Firneno在这段来自流媒体连接2024的视频中讨论.


“上下文广告现在是电视广告中非常热门的话题,TVREV的艾伦·沃尔克在2024年流媒体连接上宣布. 但它到底是什么, and how is its growing presence in CTV and streaming changing the TV experience and particularly the way advertisers buy media? Wolk, Estrella MediaCo的Christina Chung, Mad Leo Consulting的C.J. 伦纳德在流媒体连接的小组讨论中探讨了这些问题.


向流媒体等多种媒体平台提供新闻内容, 在线旅行社, and cable requires not only the diversification of media architecture investments but also diversifying brand awareness and the visibility of programming offerings to different platforms. 斯克里普斯网络百家乐软件标准负责人克里斯蒂娜·哈特曼,阿什林数字公司创始人 & 首席执行官迈克尔·纳格尔, and The Local Act's Marion Ranchet discuss how to navigate these challenges in this clip from 流媒体连接2024.


防止用户流失是流媒体订阅业务中最古老的问题, 捆绑销售并不是一个新的解决方案, 正如分析师保罗·埃里克森在2024年流媒体连接的片段中指出的那样. 因此,我们有了所谓的“大重新捆绑”,并提供分层产品, 混合广告模式, and other revenue-generating approaches increasingly holding sway—how do contemporary bundling/rebundling strategies differ from old ones and offer greater avenues to success? 安培分析公司的Guy Bisson说, Jon Giegengack报道, and Antenna's Rameez Tase offer their takes on current bundling and aggregation strategies and which ones are working in 2024.


What are the best strategies streamers can follow to manage the costs of cloud streaming architecture and production and maximize efficiencies in their workflows? AWS的约翰·巴伯, IMAX的Abdul Rehman, Zixi的Eric Bolten, 和SVTA的杰森·蒂博在这段来自2024年流媒体连接的视频中讨论了云流媒体成本管理.


Future Today Marketplace副总裁蒂姆·韦尔与Roku的查理·古德曼进行了对话, “流媒体变得容易”的马里昂·兰切特, TVREV的艾伦·沃尔克报道, and IAB Tech Lab's Anthony Katsur on the definition of walled gardens in the CTV advertising marketplace in this clip from 流媒体连接2024.


Head of Roku Exchange Charlie Goodman and Future Today Marketplace VP Tim Ware discuss the opportunities and the challenges of monetizing the Roku Channel and Exchange for programmers, 分销商, 以及广告客户,这段视频来自他们在2024年流媒体连接大会上的小组讨论.


当涉及到为数十万或数百万的全球观众扩展直播流时, 计划是最重要的, 从满足内容分发的需求到货币化,再到优化观众体验. 当为Prime和NBCU提供大量体育流媒体和24/7新闻节目时, AWS全球领导者, 解决方案架构stephen Lone强调注册系统, 安全, 监控, 冗余, 和故障转移, 而广告技术专家C.J. Leonard of Mad Leo Consulting highlights tactical elements like orchestration with content partners on tech and personnel and knowing the types of ads coming through in this discussion with Reality Software's Nadine Krefetz at 流媒体连接2024.


一个多平台的新闻媒体组织如何将免费的流媒体内容分发到其投资组合中? 数字化转型、架构、内容战略和广告技术方面的挑战是什么? 彭博媒体视频业务总经理 & Audio Travis Winkler explains Bloomberg's journey to FAST news in this discussion with The Local Act's Marion Ranchet at 流媒体连接2024.


保持用户在主要赛事之间的参与度并增强整体粉丝体验是所有体育直播商面临的挑战. 这意味着为粉丝提供与内容互动的新机会, 开发第二屏幕体验, 引进有影响力的人, 解决可访问性问题, 和更多的, 乔·卡波罗索说, DAZN的Team Whistle总裁, 在与现实软件公司的纳丁·克雷费兹的对话中,来自流媒体连接2024.


缺乏一致的测量工具, 指标, and standards across multiple platforms continues to limit the success of streaming ads and frustrate content publishers looking to deliver optimal experiences to advertisers and end users. TVREV的艾伦·沃尔克报道, Vevo的朱莉·特里奥罗报道, Estrella MediaCo的Christina Chung报道, 《百家乐软件》的艾琳·菲内诺说, Mad Leo Consulting的C.J. Leonard discuss the current challenges facing OTT and CTV publishers and advertisers alike in this clip from 流媒体连接2024.

看是谁? CTV发行商如何衡量买家的收视率

CTV发行商如何向支持他们的买方品牌提供可信且可操作的绩效指标? Estrella MediaCo的Christina Chung报道, Vevo的朱莉·特里奥罗报道, and TVREV的艾伦·沃尔克报道 discuss the current challenges publishers face in measuring and communicating CTV 表演 to buyers in a clear and common language and the growing role of metadata in delivering usable 指标 in this clip from 流媒体连接2024.

为什么像LG和三星这样的CTV oem拥有自己的操作系统

建筑, 拥有, and operating a Connected TV operating system is a complicated strategic and business decision for TV manufacturers whose traditional role was to build and sell boxes. 一些CTV oem厂商还没有走操作系统路线,而LG和三星等其他厂商已经走了. LG's Matthew Durgin and 三星广告公司的贾斯汀·弗洛姆说 discuss why some CTVs OEMs run their own OSes and others don't in this candid discussion with TVREV的艾伦·沃尔克报道 from 纽约流媒体.


In 2024, 可以说,消费者行为仍然是订阅媒体取得成功的最大障碍, and the prevalence of churn and the abundance of competition for subscription dollars have compelled many providers of subscription services to bolster their revenue with ad-supported tiers. 然而, 创意捆绑策略提供了另一种维持订阅服务运营的有效手段, 在某种程度上,该行业可能正在发展“捆绑效应”.“来自Roku的专家, 菲罗, 得了, Hub娱乐研究, 和Lightswitch讨论的机制和捆绑在这个剪辑从流媒体纽约的好处.


就在几年前, 苹果和其他公司预测,电视的时代已经屈指可数,我们都将在移动设备上消费内容, 独奏, 和活跃的, 传统的电视观看将会消失. 充其量,这些预言家只说对了一半,央视继续发展壮大. TVREV的Alan Wolk在这段来自纽约流媒体的视频中问了为什么. 三星广告公司的贾斯汀·弗洛姆说, “流媒体变得容易”的马里昂·兰切特, and TVision's Yan Liu explain why media viewing behavior has evolved along different lines and what drives mobile and CTV consumption among different demographics in 2024.


Launched by the IAB Tech Lab's Advanced Television Systems Committee and designed to "provide standardized identity management for ad creatives" through metadata, ad - id的设计目的是将流媒体广告插入——特别是现场活动——带出“狂野的西部”,派拉蒙的Jarred Wilichinsky说, 为了停止, 除此之外, 广告的盲目重复拖累了许多流媒体体验. Wilichinsky, Roku的Charlie Goodman, JWP的David Palomento, Akamai的Peter Chave,以及Infinitive的C.J. Leonard weigh in on Ad-ID's progress and its potential impact on the streaming ecosystem in this discussion with Reality Software's Nadine Krefetz at 纽约流媒体.


在捆绑流媒体服务方面, 除了价格,还有其他因素需要考虑, 产品差异化, 而提供捆绑包的内容将会交付. 根据Roku的Anastasia Pronin所说, 菲罗的亚当·萨尔蒙斯, 还有班戈的贾尔斯舌头, the key to an effective and profitable streaming bundle is identifying consumer needs and pain points and delivering a bundle that addresses those needs, 他们在纽约流媒体的视频中解释了如何做到这一点.


随着越来越多的优质内容工作室开始认真对待FAST(免费广告支持的流媒体电视), 频道的数量也在持续增长, 独立流媒体如何与有限的预算和内容竞争? 它不仅仅是寻找和专注于一个利基市场吗? 独立流媒体联盟联合创始人弗洛里斯·鲍尔来自火药公司 & 来自Crackle Connex的Sky和Tim Ware讨论了他们的个人和集体生存策略, 蓬勃发展的, 并在这段来自纽约流媒体的视频中使用流媒体轻松赚钱的马里昂·兰切特.


当时,他因为关注“价值观和绩效而不是规则和控制”而受到称赞," Netflix's initial 2009 "Culture Memo" had a sizeable impact on the streaming behemoth's internal culture and across the industry as well, 但它有一些明显的盲点, 在最初的十年里,通过多次迭代,几乎忽略了多样性和包容性, Netflix前全球教育经理洛里·格林在纽约流媒体的这段视频中讲述了这一点. Weber Shandwick Chief DEI Officer Judith 哈里森 affirms that the Netflix Culture Memo's glaring omissions reflect a broader myopia across the media and entertainment industry, where notions of "cultural fit" that drive employment decisions rarely account for what a candidate might add to the culture of an organization. 格林, 哈里森, and McCann DEI Chief Singleton Beato discuss these and other issues surrounding what the FCC defined in 2004 as "Diversity and Communications in the Digital Age" and our progress toward equity or lack thereof.

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